September Meeting Recap 2014
We thank the City of West Palm Beach for hosting the League meetings at the
Gaines Park Community Center.
Board Meeting The Board approved Lohman Law Group and John
Gallina's assocaite member applications.
The Board heard from FLC representative Casey Cook who provided the FLC
Legislative Appreciation award to Representative Bill Hager.
The Board received updates from the following committees: Homeless Advisory Board, Growth Management & Economic Affairs, Urban Administration, Finance, Taxation & Personnnel, Transportation & Intergovernmental Relations and Energy, Environment & Natural Resources.
League Counsel Trela White updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full report go to our News:Meeting Notes page).
Executive Director Richard Radcliffe informed the board of the success of the Mayor's Literacy Luncheon.
General Membership
At the General Membership Meeting the membership got to hear from both state
and local candidates seeking election in November.
Next month we will be at the Lake Worth Beach & Casino