March 2013 Meeting Recap

Palm Beach County League of Cities
March 29, 2013

Today was a day of reflection as it was this time last year that we were informed of the passing of West Palm Beach Commissioner William "Bill" Moss. He is surely missed.

We thank Highland Beach and the St. Lucy's Catholic Church for hosting our March meetings at the St. Lucy's Catholic Church Community Center. With what we may now call a Highland Beach tradition, a few lucky members were able to take home the lovely centerpieces.
Board Meeting The Board approved the Associate membership applications of Jeff Rubenstein, Area Agency on Aging Palm Beach and the Jordano Group, Inc.  Welcome to the League!
The Board made several appointments to the County/Regional Committees: Councilmember Ann Gerwig of Wellington and Vice Mayor Ellen Andel of Juno Beach was appointed to the vacant regular seats on the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; Commissioner John Szerdi of Lake Worth was appointed to the alternate seat on the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council.
Committee Reports: President Wodraska recognized the nominating committee and read the 2013-2014 proposed slate of Board members and Officer. (The proposed slate can be found at The board also heard a report from the National League of Cities Public Safety & Crime Prevention Committee.
Executive Director Richard Radcliffe reported on the recent conference he attended, FLC DC FLY-in; Legislative Action Day and PBC Day, where he meet with state representatives. He also informed everyone to mark their calendar for the League's Elected Official Workshop, which will be held on April 24th following the General membership meeting at the G-Star School of the Arts in Palm Springs.
General Membership  Highland Beach's Vice Mayor Ron Brown welcomed us to Highland Beach. County Mayor Steve Abrams, whose district includes Highland Beach, was present.
Our featured speaker  was Donna Council, CPPB of Smart Procure on No Cost Government Procurement Intelligence.
League Counsel Trela White updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full report go to our News page).
Next month we meet at the G-Star School of the Arts in Palm Springs.