April Meeting Recap 2018

Palm Beach County League of Cities
May 4, 2018

We thank the City of Greenacres for hosting the League's April Meetings at their community center.

Board Meeting

The Board appointed Vice Mayor Mark Mullinix of North Palm Beach to the Lake Worth Lagoon Initiative Steering Committee; Commissioner Kristine de Haseth to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council alternate seat; and re-appointed Councilman Jeff Hmara to the School District of Palm Beach County Advisory Boundary Committee.

The board heard committee reports from the Policy & Procedures Committee and the School District of Palm Beach County Academic Advisory Committee.


General Membership 

FLC Legislative Advocate Jeff Branch provided the membership with a legislative wrap up and CRC update.

The General Membership approved the 2018-2019 board of Directors slate. (for slate go to our About Us: Board of Directors page)

League Counsel Jennifer Ashton updated us on pertinent legal issues (for full report go to our News:Meeting Notes page).

Executive Director Richard Radcliffe reminded everyone to reserve their seat for the Installation Banquet in May. 

Next month we will be installing the 2018-2019 Board of Directors at the Kravis Center. (You may view our calendar for the Banquet information.) RSVP deadline is May 14th.